Commission an Original Painting

Chuck Nelson aviation artist, painter

There is nothing like an original oil painting. Prints and reproductions are a fantastic lower cost alternative, but what if you want to create something unique, one of a kind and memorable? Weather you are an established art collector or a first time buyer, there’s something special about commissioning a piece of art that has value and meaning to you, or as a truly amazing gift.

I will strive to create your vision with attention to detail & color and capture the essence of photos or images you desire.
The price of an original oil painting is determined by the size of the canvas, the complexity of the composition, level of detail, as well as the time needed to bring your vision to life. Because of those factors I recommend that you contact me below through my studio directly so we can discuss your ideas, dreams and vision, and turn it into a reality!

My schedule is usually pretty booked, but I will do my best to accommodate your project, budget and needs. Even if you’re still undecided feel free to ask any questions.

I look forward to hearing from you, and I guarantee you will enjoy owning your original art I paint, for years to come!

Let’s work together

Please fill out the fields below and I will respond as soon as possible.

Chuck-Nelson-Pink Beach House